Owner of Signs of Learning, Jess Kelly, adores her family.

Owner of Signs of Learning, Jess Kelly, adores her family.

Jessica Kelly

Owner and Instructor

Jessica’s pride and joy is her family: two daughters, the first born in 2009 and the second born in 2012 and her amazing husband Dan. Both girls signed milk at 5 months and each month added a few more signs. By one year they could sign over 100 words and by two years the oldest could sign over 250 words. They rarely got frustrated because of a lack of communication like kids often do, and their language skills are incredible. Jessica could brag about her kiddos all day! Jess is a proud mama!

Jessica has been using American Sign Language since 1992. She did her Bachelor’s practicum at Maryland School for the Deaf and she worked at a summer camp for the Deaf/Hard of Hearing children. Jessica worked as the director of a non-profit organization called Handicapped Encounter Christ (HEC). HEC offers social & spiritual support to adults with physical disabilities in the NC Triangle area. (Jessica did not come up with the name of the organization!)

Jessica was also a nanny and taught ASL to the little girl with whom she worked. Between the ages of 7 months and 18 months the child developed a comprehensive signing vocabulary of 100+ words and an expressive signing vocabulary of 50+ words. Jessica also worked as a Child Development Specialist (aka Developmental Therapist) offering community based rehabilitation services to children with developmental delays from birth to three years in the Raleigh, Durham and Cary areas. She has been the owner of and instructor for Signs of Learning since its origin in 2005.

Jessica is certified through the Sign2Me Presenter's Network.

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I have a passion for interacting with people. I am dedicated to lifting up the dignity of all people and energizing them to reach their maximum potential. I believe that this program will empower children to express their needs and feelings, opening up a channel for a deeper connection to their parents, educators, and caregivers. By integrating ASL into daily routines relationships between adult and child can be strengthened and frustration can be significantly reduced.

A basic understanding of ASL will increase children’s social awareness of different methods of communication. It will also open children up to communicating with Deaf people with whom they come in contact. I am dedicated to respecting Deaf culture and will be sure to express that respect in my classroom. I am very excited to share this wonderful opportunity with you and your loved ones!


Loyola University in Maryland - Bachelor of Arts Degree in Speech-Language Pathology / Audiology

Chestnut Hill College - Graduate Division Master of Arts Degree in Holistic Spirituality

Additional Courses in American Sign Language: Montgomery County Community College, Loyola University, Gallaudet University, Wake Technical Community College
