Row Row Row Your Boat

Hello lovely people! I know that these are tough times for many people, but my wish for you is that you have some time to enjoy being with your family, communicating, laughing, and perhaps rowing a boat! Being outside is one of those things we feel comfortable doing these days, we love to kayak! Enjoy!


Are your monkeys getting restless?

I hope this finds you all healthy and well! For the last few weeks my kids have had a ton of school work to keep them busy…this week is Spring Break, so they finally have a chance to be bored. When they get bored they get jumpy! I hope you enjoy this signing version of Five Little Monkeys. FYI if I were signing this in full ASL I would probably sign some of it a little differently (word order and concepts), but to simplify it we’ve just basically used the ASL signs in English word order. Enjoy!

PS - Notice my little monkey that didn’t want to be in the video, but who couldn’t resist being a monkey on my couch in the background!


Stay at Home

...what a great time to connect with your little ones!

Well, with these unprecedented times, we are forced to do things differently. This is a scary time for a lot of folks out there; those on the front lines working to keep everyone healthy or fed or safe (and their families), those dealing with financial crises, extroverts going crazy, toilet paper disappearing, kids rebelling against homeschooling, and parents balancing working at home and cooped up crazy kiddos. 

In-person classes at Signs of Learning are on pause for the time being until we flatten the curve and it’s safe to start back up.  In the meantime, I’ve been enjoying connecting with people by teaching classes and workshops online, so that families can learn to communicate with each other through sign!  What better time than now to start signing while you’re stuck at home together!

I’m trying to do my part by offering some free learning opportunities.  I partnered up with Partners in Learning to offer a free One Hour Parent Workshop on Facebook Live, as well as a training for early intervention teachers.  Feel free to check it out.  This is a good start to signing with your baby or young child!  I’m, of course, available for more in depth training and workshops, but this should get you started..

Because I’m not on the front lines, I feel super lucky that I can spend time connecting with my family…I hope you are able to also!

May you be happy! May you be well! May you be safe and sound! May you be peaceful! May you be at ease with love in your heart and all around! (Lovingkindness by Charity Kahn)

Enjoy this video of one of my first Facebook LIVE workshops. Please note that the first 10 minutes of the video is just the “title page.” The video actually starts at 10 minutes in (I wanted to make sure it worked so started early), so go ahead and skip ahead to 10:30 in the video below.

This sign language class is presented by Jessica Kelly with Signs of Learning. She discusses ways to jumpstart your child's language using sign language.